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Share Your Views on Future Historic Environment Scotland Plans

“The Historic Environment is Scotland’s Story”

Historic Environment Scotland (HES) who manage most of the large and small historical sites in Orkney including Skara Brae, Maeshowe, the Stones of Stenness and the Ring of Brodgar are consulting the public on a new draft Corporate Plan  for 2019-22.

Jane Ryder, Chair of HES, said:

“In our first Corporate Plan 2016-19, we made a commitment to deliver real public benefit in new and different ways. In that time we have made significant progress, publishing innovative plans for conservation and investment in our historic Properties in Care, developing cutting edge research and technology to better understand and protect our historic environment, and increasing opportunities for people of all ages to engage with our history and heritage.

“We have taken a different approach for our new Corporate Plan, which is much shorter and more focused on the impact we are aiming to achieve.

“Our approach to consultation has also been different, as we have already been actively asking individuals, groups, communities, businesses, organisations – and our own staff – all across the country what they think about the historic environment, what it means to them, and how it touches their lives.

“We have listened to the different voices – especially those voices not often heard in conversations about history and heritage – and have taken all this into account in drafting and publishing this plan for formal consultation.

As part of the public consultation, which will run until Friday 2nd November, HES will be holding a series of events across the country for people to drop in and share their views.

Alison Turnbull, Director of Development and Partnership at HES, and lead for the development of the new Corporate Plan, said:

“As we enter the formal consultation phase for our new Corporate Plan, there are a number of ways to get involved – from joining in the conversation online to attending one of the drop-in sessions taking place across the country.

“Scotland’s historic environment belongs to all of us, and I hope that as many people as possible will take the opportunity to have their voice heard on how we shape its future.”

HES Consultation

Video about Historic Environment Scotland

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