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Helen’s Home Cooking:Video and Recipe for Mince, Neeps n’ Tatties


Right back to basics this week with traditional Scottish Mince, Neeps n’ Tatties, a family
favourite and one which can be forgotten about in amongst all of the modern culinary
fashion foods. NTM it’s easy to forget when you have been cooking for years, that not
everybody knows how to make what used to be everyday staples.




  1. Heat a little oil in a large pot and fry the Onion until soft.
  2. Add the Mince and fry until brown.
  3. Add your Carrot and Turnip.
  4. Dissolve you stock cube in 300mls of boiling water.
  5. Add stock to the mince and bring to the boil.
  6. Simmer for 30mins or until your veg is soft.
  7. In a cup mix, 2tsp of Bisto and 1 tsp cornflour with a little water.
  8. Remove pot from the heat and slowly add your Bisto mix in, stirring all the time.
  9. If you gravy is too thick add some more water.
  10. Bring back to the boil, add salt and Pepper to taste and serve.

Top tip: if you like your mince dark add a little dark Soy Sauce to your gravy.

Serve with mashed potato and mashed neeps.

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