Orkney Care and Repair

Improving Homes Improving Lives

Orkney Care and Repair have reached 30 and to celebrate they had a tea party on the afternoon of Friday 14th September between 2pm and 4pm.

Care and Repair

The Tea Party was open to the public as well as invited guests and when I popped along  it was very busy with much chattering going on.

Orkney Care and RepairOrkney Care and Repair is a free service available to the elderly and the disabled. It offers help and advice which enables people to stay in their homes whereby affording them to keep living and enjoying independent lives.

Orkney Care and Repair can help make your home safe and secure, they are able to provide a varying range of home improvements including Handrails, Grabrails and Ramps which can allow wheelchair access to your home.

Where needed they can repair Windows and Doors carry out minor repairs to Plumbing and even advise on simple things like Trip Hazards.

The service can also supply advice on how to access grants and what funds may be available and involve other bodies where further advice and assistance which may be required.

It can offer practical assistance whether you are a tenant or a homeowner as long as you reside in Orkney whether you want to improve, build, repair, adapt or maintain your home.

We all want to stay in our homes and be as comfortable for as long as we can and this service can help you to acheive this, as long as you can provide the materials, Care and Repair can carry out the work with no charge where applicable, in cases of financial difficulties they may be able to access additional funding.

I caught up with Manager Mike Cooper at the party:



If you want to get in touch with Orkney Care and Repair you can:

Phone:    01856873369

e-mail:  admin@orkneycareandrepair.co.uk

Reporter Helen Armet

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