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A woman of independent mind.

Scottish Government Commits to Working With Communities over HPMAs

statue of a fisherman in Storonoway harbour

“I have never known my constituency to be apparently so unanimously opposed to any single policy as this one in all my time serving as their MSP. That opposition is not only from those who are involved in the fishing industry—literally everyone locally who has spoken or written to me on the issue has expressed total opposition to the proposals as they stand.” Alasdair Allan SNP MSP, Na h- Eileanan an Iar

Orkney Councillors Remove Voting Rights of Unelected Religious Representatives

Firth Primary School beside the Bay of Firth with the Old Primary school in the distance

Councillor John Ross Scott, stressed that they were not asking for the removal of religious representatives from the committee. For Fairness and Equality, he said, they should have an advisory role, as the teacher reps do, but without voting rights. No one who is unaccountable to the electorate, he continued, should be able to vote on council policy. He added that spiritual care was extremely important.