Urgent Need for Electric/Hydrogen Powered Buses

How to solve the environmental issues caused by the emissions of our public bus system has been the subject of research by a team at Aberdeen University.

The research suggests that electric buses are best for shorter routes and the hydrogen fuelled ones should be used for longer distances. It also concluded that  there is an urgent need to move over to an electric powered fleet if climate change targets are to be met.

The study also concluded that increased renewable generated electricity was essential and the introduction of carbon capture and storage where fossil fuels are used to provide dispatchable power.

Kathryn Logan who undertook the research as part of her PhD studies at the University said:

“We wanted to quantify greenhouse gas emissions produced from buses and the energy requirements for electric and hydrogen buses in the UK, to help inform transport policy so we can all help achieve the ambitious net zero emissions objectives.

“Our work shows you only need four people on a bus to produce less emissions than a full car does. If the bus was full, this would be the equivalent of 20 cars taken off the road.

“To meet the Paris Agreement targets, we need to decarbonise electrical generation and ensure energy is generated from sustainable resources.

“We need to integrate and replace buses in use with electric and hydrogen alternatives.

“Most importantly, encouraging people to switch their cars for public transport will make a significant difference. Obviously, this is something people aren’t so keen on with the public health situation right now but its needed long term for climate change.”

The research was published in the journal Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 

2 replies »

  1. Until there is a seismic shift in Government’s policies across the world and buses to run to all rural areas at regular and convenient times, not the one service per week as happens in many places now, will you ever hope to get us to abandon our cars!!!

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