Doing Politics Differently

Scotland’s first ever Citizens Assembly, which examined what kind of future nation we would like to be, has published its report.

We, the people of Scotland, present this report to the Scottish Government and to the Scottish Parliament for consideration, action and delivery.

You can read the report here: Citizens Assembly of Scotland

Following on from the success of Citizens Assemblies in Ireland and from local initiatives in participative democracy, the assembly continued online when Covid19 resulted in restrictions of movement.

The Assembly has put forward recommendations and actions for the Scottish Government to take forward, after the May Scottish Parliament elections of 2021.

Not surprisingly the report advocates the wider use of Citizens Assemblies in Scotland but also goes further to say that there should be a ‘House of Citizens’. This would act as a second chamber to the Scottish Parliament:

‘to scrutinise government proposals and give assent to parliamentary bills.’

The House of Citizens

When Bills go before the Scottish Parliament they are sent to relevant cross party committees who take evidence and produce reports. These may lead to amendments in the original Bill. They are debated in the Chamber, votes taken, and if passed they are then sent onward for Royal Assent (the ruling monarch has to agree). Only then will a Bill from the Scottish Parliament become enacted. This is usually a formality but did not happen with the Continuity Bill which was challenged by the UK Government and which did not become enacted. The Continuity Bill was designed to allow food standards etc to remain in line with those of the EU facilitating trade post Brexit. If the UK Government considers that the Scottish Parliament has gone beyond the powers it has devolved to it then it can do this.’Power devolved is power retained’.

The UK has a second chamber, the House of Lords, which can make amendments to UK Bills, but the final decision always rests with the House of Commons which can reject those amendments.

Unlike the House of Lords which is filled with non elected people appointed through peerages, the Scottish House of Citizens being recommended would have time-limited membership and be “representative of the population of Scotland” and that there should be a body which oversees that this is done transparently and fairly.

The Citizens Assembly also turned its attention to the behaviour of the politicians we elect to represent us. To:

ensure the honesty, transparency and integrity of politicians, the existing standards of behaviour should be promoted and strengthened if required, to increase accountability of those elected for their actions within government

It recommends that MSPs represent the views of their constituents rather than voting on party lines.

The Scottish Parliament uses a ‘Whip’ system, as does Westminster, where MSPs vote the way the ‘Whip’ says they must do. The Whip is not used on every piece of legislation and some of those are quite bizarre. For instance MSPs were whipped in the legislation on the tail docking of ‘working’ dogs. Tail docking was banned in Scotland in 2007 but in 2017 SNP and Tory MSPs voted to change this to tail docking being permitted for ‘working dogs’. The political parties whipped MSPs on this vote. Very few MSPs resist when the Whip is used, some might abstain and the braver ones will vote with their conscience or according to their constituents wishes.

To members of the public who elect MSPs (or MPs) to represent us, all of us, many put Party first. Personal ambitious come first, for defying the Whip, is not good for politicians who wish to advance their career.

Commenting on the report by Scotland’s Citizens Assembly, Willie Sullivan, Senior Director of the Electoral Reform Society Scotland said:
“The Citizen Assembly for Scotland has set out a shared vision for Scotland, one created not from the remote and dusty halls of power but by ordinary people, coming together with a shared purpose to improve their own community.
 “The process puts Scotland at the forefront of democratic innovation and sets out a blueprint for elsewhere – a model for true citizen participation demonstrating what can be achieved when ordinary people are given the time and space to debate, discuss and deliberate the issues that affect their day to day lives. It delivers not only great solutions but trust and understanding between citizens and a knowledge of the trade-off required in government.
“Democracy isn’t an end product – if it is to survive and flourish it needs to keep evolving. We need to innovate to rebuild trust. Citizens Assemblies like this one are key to making that happen.”

Other recommendations include the establishment of a legal requirement for employers to pay a living wage, make zero hours contracts illegal and to set up a poverty task force.

There should also be tax incentives to employers for good practice, including ones which have a positive environmental impact, but also to have more powers to find and punish the tax evaders.

The report also recommends investment in Scotland’s future industries through development in science and technology. Free lifelong learning, investing in young people and instead of closing local libraries we should be expanding the provision.

Scotland’s first Citizen’s Assembly, sought to look forward, to look to the future at a time when we are trapped in the systems of the past and in a public health emergency. Change must come about if Scotland is to face the challenges of a climate emergency and to be able to adapt to a post Covid world. These excellent recommendations must not be buried and lost in the very system it wishes to change.

The Scotland we want to see should lead with integrity, honesty, humility and transparency, in a self-sufficient and innovative way, and actively include the people of Scotland in decision making.

Photo Kenny Armet

Reporter: Fiona Grahame

2 replies »

  1. I am VERY much in favour of a House Of Citizens as the ordinary person is NOT encouraged to participate in the decisions of government apart from voting for parties every 4 or 5 years , which allows them ample time to introduce unwanted and unneeded policy to the detriment of citizens

    I have also been advocating very strongly for years that voters need a strong and robust RECALL law , that when elected reps have deliberately lied or obfuscated the impact of policies , falsely misled or misinformed the electorate , behaved in a way contrary to the ethics of their office , or other illegal or disrespectful behaviour , they must be held to account for their behaviour by the people who took the time to vote for them , I would suggest that a vote of a minimum of 10% of their constituents would automatically trigger an investigation into the accusations laid against them which would be conducted by a central people’s body ( even the House Of Citizens) who would determine if the accusation is upheld and the punishment attributable

    Under NO circumstances should ANY political party have an input to determine or frustrate a decision made by the (House Of Citizens) on the RECALL LAW or certain other affecting legislation

    As we have seen previously and it is becoming even more commonplace politicians are and have been acting as if they have impunity to do whatever they deem acceptable with NO recourse to the citizens to hold them to account

  2. Sortition or assemblies created by random selection are the future of democracy but are very unlikely to ever become reality. Professional politicians and most vested interests would work very hard to stop it happening as they need power to be concentrated in order to function. Impossible to coordinate the corruption of a random selection of the population. It has nothing specific to do with Scotland as an idea and has been promoted as the ultimate reform of the House of Lords.

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