Poetry Corner: Two Dads

Today, Thursday 4th of October is National Poetry Day. Its theme is Change.

Two Dads By Richard Wallace

A Foreward

To say that there has been a dramatic change in the structure of family over the past generation would be an understatement. The ideas of what constitutes a family have changed as well. If two people who care for one another can find happiness and contentment together why should they be denied? Of course there are those who would not agree and they are entitled to their opinions.

What has not changed since the beginning of time is the innocence of children. Children look out on their own private worlds unaware of social conflict, family conflict, or conditions that are good or bad. They don’t have any idea about the best of intentions or tough circumstances.  They are children. Fortunately for them they don’t know what is normal or what is not.

If you care to share the perceptions of one child……. read on.

Two Dads

My little brother and I

live in a house with two Dads.

I am five years old.

My little brother is not as old

as I am.


I think my Dads are adopted.

That’s what I heard them say.

I heard them say that in the kitchen.

I’m not sure what it means.

I heard them say they were hungry too.


Their mother couldn’t look after them

or give them a bath or anything.

That’s what I heard them say.

They must have been sad,

I would be sad if it was me.


So my two Dads got adopted.

I don’t remember,

I was too small.

So was my brother.

My two Dads are happy now.


One Dad drives me to

hockey practice and games.

My little brother comes too.

He wants to play hockey

but not until he’s older.


My other Dad works.

He works every day.

He takes his car

and he is tired when he

comes home at night.


My stay at home dad stays home.

He cooks and cleans

and sometimes lets me

help with the vacuum cleaner.

My little brother likes to watch.


 I like to play hockey.

It can be rough and

sometimes I cry.

My other Dad comes to watch;



My little brother likes to watch too.

I think he does.

He doesn’t remember our Mum.

He’s too small.

I remember a little, I think.


I don’t remember a Dad

until our two Dads got adopted.

My brother and I are happy.

We have birthday cakes and candles

and lots of friends.


My brother and I have bunk beds.

We have warm pajamas.

and our own bath tub.

Sometimes we splash water all over the place.

Then we have hot chocolate.


My brother goes to bed first.

Our bedroom is warm and happy.

The sun wakes us up in the morning

and we have toast and jam for breakfast.

We like it.

boy child happy

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2 replies »

    • HEY Bernie..Warm pajamas and hot chocolate….it can’t get better that that…thank you, Richard

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