Recording the Graffiti in St Magnus Cathedral

By Nick Morrison

Saturday 9th of February saw our (Father and Daughter) training session at the Cathedral. Ours was one of four training sessions, the number of volunteers having swollen from 52 to 74. This was some session lasting from  13.00 to 17.00.

cathedral graffiti workshop NM

The pair of us resembled wrung out dishcloths at end. It was a lot to take in mentally.

There were 4 separate recording sheets to understand,another session on how to use the camera and LED light plus how to download the images into the computer. Fortunately we were given a mini manual with worked examples on it.

Then there was signing in and out and booking our “slots” on the computer. The Custodians fortunately have had fairly recent experience of this when we had the poppies.

Lastly there was a fascinating tour of the upper levels. These are a veritable 3 dimensional labyrinth of spiral stair cases with passages, and yet more spiral staircases leading off the original.

Because you can’t see out, you have no frame of reference and it is easy to get lost. We were taught how to recover from being lost.

The Custodians do a guided tour of some the upper levels. I would highly recommend that readers join one of those tours if you are reasonably fit and have flat shoes.

Marking the Past: St Magnus Cathedral Project

Training Workshops for Cathedral Graffiti Project Get Underway



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