“There is always someone there to listen if you are feeling overwhelmed and need support”

The winter months can be strain for many, and David McKissock a Senior Charge Nurse within NHS 24’s Mental Health Hub says there’s no need to deal with problems alone:

“Winter can be a difficult time for many people. The drop in temperature and shorter days can have a marked impact on mental wellbeing. Christmas, Hogmanay and all the associated parties, get-togethers and other fun events can be joyous occasions, however they can also unfortunately bring more strain to those that are already feeling vulnerable.”

David continues,

“The advantage of using these fantastic digital tools for your mental wellbeing is that they can be accessed at any time you need them. However, we do also recognise that sometimes it is helpful to have blether to get worries off your chest. If you feel you need to chat, you can also contact Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87.”

Breathing Space is a free and confidential service for anyone aged over 16 in Scotland who is experiencing low mood, anxiety, or depression. The phone lines and webchat are open Monday to Thursday, 6.00pm to 2.00am and Friday from 6.00pm to Monday until 6.00am.

“NHS 24 mental health services are available to everyone in Scotland, of all ages. If you’re feeling distressed, in a state of despair, suicidal, or in need of emotional support, you can phone NHS 24’s Mental Health Hub on 111, any time, day or night,” explains David. “Our team are highly trained and can lend a listening ear, offer advice, and guide you to further help if required.

“It’s understandable that some people will feel like the festive period is a burden, but we want everyone to know that there is always someone there to listen if you are feeling overwhelmed and need support. By taking this first step and reaching out, this will help you to learn how to cope and feel more positive about your future.”

sunrise over Seatter farm
Image credit Kenny Armet

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1 reply »

  1. There’s a lot of emphasis on being with family & friends, which makes life harder for those who are alone – or feel alone. It can be a struggle not to slide into the pit…


    It’s good that there is someone there – a listening ear – if needed. There’s a lot of talk about being aware of other folks emotional fragility but, when it comes down to it, mostly people have their own lives to live and don’t take time to be aware and listen.

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